Thursday, December 21, 2006

SE...Simply Exciting or Simply Exhausting

You may wonder if this is just simply exiciting or simply exhausting...

I was all exicted when i was told that we are required to create a blog as an assignment, but then again it could be exhausting to keep on updating it daily...hehehehe!

Well we are taking Software Engineering this semester, CCSB243, that's the subject code (hope i got that correct). Creating a blog is the first assignment and i was really all exicted when i got to know it. And i know it is not going to be exhausting, cause i am on the net most of the days, so why not.

Anyway, there is nothing much here for now. My group members are all working hard looking for some cool ideas. We will keep updating from time to time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Simply Ex** - you choose.

BTW, who ask you to update the blog everyday? Hehe :)

To me, update the blog when you feel like updating it.
